All Posts By: Rapnics

Lower Zambezi National Park

Lower Zambezi National Park is located on the north bank of the Zambezi River in south eastern Zambia.  It is a park that complements the famous Mana Pools in Zimbabwe.  Collectively this region of Africa provides one of the most abundant and concentrated collection of wildlife.

The national park extends 1,579 square miles (4,092 sq km) along the Zambezi River.  The valley and source of water creates one of the richest wildlife havens in Africa.

You are invited to discover and learn more about Lower Zambezi National Park and what makes it one of the Seven Wonders of Zambia.

What makes Lower Zambezi National Park one of the Seven Wonders of Zambia?

Statistically speaking, Lower Zambezi National Park is famous for the abundance and array of wildlife.  The national park rivals other famous wildlife areas like Selous Game Reserve and Kruger National Park.  The park features six of the Big Seven including: lion, leopard, elephant, buffalo, hippo, and crocodile.  Unfortunately, rhino were killed off in the early 80s.

The national park not only has wildlife, but it has it in abundance.  The park is not highly developed creating a pristine encounter with nature.  The majority of wildlife is found along the valley floor.  It is quite possible that you could experience a herd of elephant approximately 100 strong.

What are the best ways to see and experience Lower Zambezi National Park?

There are a variety of ways to see and experience Lower Zambezi National Park.  Game drives are the most frequent wildlife activities.  However, another common activity is a canoe trip on the Zambezi River.   This provides a relaxing adventure down the river with an opportunity to see hippo and other wildlife.  The wildlife is abundant with a nice variety of species to encounter.  The best way to experience more of the wildlife, which is what Lower Zambezi is famous for, is with the typical game drive.

What is Lower Zambezi National Park weather like?

The best time to visit Lower Zambezi national park is during the dry season which runs from June through October.  The daytime temperatures can get rather hot during these months.  The temperatures range during these months from 78oF (26oC) to 100oF (40oC).  October tends to be the warmest of these months.

When is the best time to visit Lower Zambezi National Park?

The best time to visit Lower Zambezi National Park is during the dry season months of June through October.  Mid-July, August and September are probably the best.  August is probably the best month wildlife tending to be easier to find as animals congregate at or near watering holes.

January through March is the heart of the rainy season.  All most every lodge will be closed during these months.  You should avoid planning a trip to the Lower Zambezi National Park during these months.

How do you get to Lower Zambezi National Park?

Lower Zambezi National Park is located on the Zambezi River across from the Mana Pools in Zimbabwe.  Internationally speaking, travelers should plan on travel to Lusaka.  The majority of lodge and safari services provide pick ups and charter services to remote airstrips near the park.

Photography Tips for capturing Lower Zambezi National Park

Photography in Lower Zambezi National Park represents typical safari and wildlife photography challenges.  As the sun rises, you will be fighting shadows as you photograph the animals of the park.  A telephoto or zoom lens will be your expected lens of choice.  Although it is possible to get too close to animals rendering a long lens irrelevant.

Further tips and insights will be added as experienced or discovered.  If you are a photographer and have insights to share for future photographers visiting Lower Zambezi National Park, please submit them to Seven Wonders through the Contact Page.